Turn To The Wind !

Due to financial support and its technological modern windpowerengines can be operated economically in the wind-swept regions of Germany.
Only an intensified expansion of wind-energy can lead to the urgently needed reduction of CO2-emissions.
Wind is the future-orientated source of energy, without exploiting the natural environment. This means: No pollution, no dust/rubbish, no noxious emissions, no problems of disposal.
Become a windmiller !
Take part in our windpowerplants.
Produce your own energy..
Make your future safe !
we build windpowerengines with your contribution-more and more !

Turn to the wind !

Our present way of handling energy will cause serious problems for future generations. Considerable damages for health, for the envionment and buildings have already arisen as a result of usingcommon sources of energy. Experts agree that a simple ,,carry on" in the energy sector will have dramatic consequences. In addition, the limited reserves of common fuels will only last a few more generations, considering the growing worldwide need for energy. The use of atomic cannot be taken lightly, because of the uncalculable risk of a radioactive contamination in case of a reactor disaster. That`s why in the long term we will have to cover our energy need 100 per cent out of regenerative energies.

Turn to the wind !